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FILE MANAGER ©                                                                                                               34 Creating Files and Directories Files and Directories can be created within File Manager. How To Create a Directory in File Manager: 1. From File Manager, click on the field called Directory Name.   2. Type the name of the directory you want to create in this field.  Select the Create Directory button. 3. The File Manager reappears with the newly created directory in the listing. How To Create or Edit a File in File Manager: 1. From the File Manager, move to the field entitled File Name. 2. To edit an existing file, type the name of that file in the field shown above.  To create a new file, type the new file name in the field shown above. 3. Select the Create/Edit file button.  If creating a new file, the following screen appears.  If working with an existing file, the file automatically opens, skipping the next step (4) in this procedure.